Dotcom Secrets author Russell Brunson has always been obsessed with sales and marketing; already as a child he went through promotional material for fun.

His unusual hobby must have paid off since he created ZipBrander in 2003 - a viral marketing tool.

He continued to create products, close to marketing and sales.

From coupons to software, Brunson cut his teeth into a variety of niches, which eventually allowed him to understand how sales funnels work in all industries.

ClickFunnels was Brunson's big breakthrough in the more conventional digital marketing space. This book was very useful and was fun to read. Russel is good at taking concepts and making them fun and easy to digest! I also enjoyed the secrets of the experts and I strongly anticipate the secrets of the traffic. Most of these topics are only covered in state-of-the-art consulting courses, but he makes this information available to everyone. I actually own three copies and they are sold completely in the clickfunnels process. These methods are good

In my opinion, the book is just a bunch of things that you can find for free on the internet, but more organized. It will try to sell you by asking you to buy a sales funnel service called click funnel. DO NOT BUY if you do not know how to sell. If you do not know how to sell, do not follow any of these tips, because everything requires that you know how to sell first.

He even encourages you to make a ruthless aversion to starting an online business by saying
"What's the worst that can happen? Are you coming home to your parents?"

The answer to the above question is “you can end up homeless, have high debt, and your husband can divorce you and get a smarter man who did not fall for your tricks.

I also do not think that his five star reviews are sincere, because there are ONLY 5 STAR COMMENTS than mine at the time of writing.